Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Lebensmittelwissenschaften - Food Science - Morlock Lab

News 2024

HPTLC chromatograms

Elution as heart-shaped compounds zones made possible by planar chromatography...


Thanks for the kind advertisement!


Visit the 2LabsToGo at Analytica in Munich, 9-12 April 2024


Full days at analytica: Every day three times the 1-h Live Lab presentation/moderation and an oral presentation each day (Forum, Conference, DGF), a poster presentation and two interviews.



High interest in our research

I got a call from Guido Deußing saying proudly Thank you because his interview with me in the journal Laborpraxis attracted the most interest by far in 2023 and has done so for years: Genotoxische Verbindungen sicher und effizient in Nahrungsmitteln bestimmen - Gesund ungesund: Erbgutschädigende Pflanzenöle?, Laborpraxis 7-8 (2023) 48-51


February 2024: Join our course on planar bioassays

Learn how hyphenated HPTLC can make a difference, and join our next hybrid online course on effect-directed analysis taking place in February/March 2024The better your (bio)analytical tool, the more you understand. Free of costs for students and members of other universities.

Some reading: Non-target screening of complex samples for hazards

Some videos to watch:


Built your open-source 2LabsToGo system 2.-7.09.2024

The latest system (we will publish soon) has an integrated autosampler, a nebulizer, mini-incubator, UV/Vis/FLD/bioluminescence detection including reflectance and backlight illumination and many further improvements. In advance, we will order (latest bill of materials, payment by installments possible upon request) and 3D print all parts for you. This means you can directly start at the workshop to mount yourself your system, whereby we will guide you.

Registration as soon as possible (limited to 20 scientists)  register here

Remark: Already in 2011, I repeatedly asked the manufacturers of HPTLC devices to get involved in this project and collaborate to develop a low-cost small-scale system, but they refused and replied that I could do it myself. We did so during the last decade. In the late phase, funding of a PhD position was thankfully obtained via the Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr grant E/U2AD/KA018/IF565.


Open-source means useable for everybody!

 Open-source software and hardware:

Open-source software:


September 2024: Join the International Symposium on HPTLC 2024

Every two years the International Scientific Committee on HPTLC organizes the International Symposium on HPTLC:
Join the HPTLC 2024 to learn more and meet the worldwide HPTLC experts.


Interesse an Bachelor-/Masterarbeit

Feste Besprechungstermine zur Themenvorstellung (bitte keine emails):
1. Montag je im Monat März, Juni, September und Dezember, 12:00 Uhr im iFZ in Raum B 302
Es ist keine Anmeldung nötig, sondern einfach vorbeikommen.
Falls verhindert, ist die Teilnahme digital/hybrid über diesen Link möglich.



Interview mit Teresa Arrieta (1 h) am 13.2.2024, digital: Gefahr in Pflanzenölen: Warum deine Gesundheit schweren Schaden nehmen kann (Titel wurde nicht von mir so formuliert), Cholesterin Kongress, 9.-18.02.2024, Medumio Gesundheitsakademie


34. Doktorandenseminar

Erfolgreich wurde unsere Forschung auf dem 34. Doktorandenseminar des Arbeitskreises Separation Science vom 8.-10.01.2024 in Hohenroda, Hessen vertreten. Isabel Müller präsentierte "On-surface Untersuchung der Verdauung von Kohlenhydraten und Fetten unter Verwendung von Mund- und Darmenzymen" und Max Haumann "Genotox-Screening von MOSH/MOAH in Schokolade". Sie haben es beide sehr souverän gemeistert - Gratulation!



Selected as journal front cover

Thank you for the honor to select our graphical abstract figure as journal front cover (click on cover to increase it)!

Cover image: Tomato products were screened with a ten-dimensional hyphenation with integrated simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Non-digested and digested samples were compared side by side. In their effect-directed profiles, 14 bioactive compounds from classes of lipids, plant hormones, spices, and pesticides were identified. The innovative hyphenation allowed for a non-target proactive food safety analysis. (From: Schreiner, T., Eggerstorfer, N.M. & Morlock, G.E. Towards non-target proactive food safety: identification of active compounds in convenience tomato products by ten-dimensional hyphenation with integrated simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Anal Bioanal Chem (2023).


One important current focus

Girl icon was created via Stable Diffusion AI on 30-11-2023



Interview mit Barbara Berner über Bürgerrat Ernährung, ARD, hr, mex. das marktmagazin, 10.01.2024 (18:40-19:00 und 19:20-19:50)


All the best for 2024!

Wenn's alte Jahr erfolgreich war, dann freue dich aufs neue.
Und war es schlecht, ja dann erst recht.
Albert Einstein eben Einstein!
Kann nicht jeder Tag, sogar jeder Gedanke, ein neuer Anfang zum Guten sein?

Unter den großen Persönlichkeiten, die an der JLU geforscht, gelehrt und studiert haben, befindet sich nicht Einstein, aber Justus Liebig, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Nobelpreis für Physik 1901), Wangari Maathai (Friedensnobelpreis 2004), Volker Bouffier, Frank-Walter Steinmeier und viele mehr.

HPTLC development for cheers with sparkling wine...