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News 2025

Hearty greetings as welcome!

How to make this planar development of heart-shaped compound zones? Become an expert!

Get the power!

Our digital or hybrid course on 24.-28.02.2025 is free of cost for students and members of universities in Hesse. 

Knowledge is power. Therefore, a powerful analytical prioritization strategy is key. It figures out all hazardous compounds (known and unknown, xenogenic and natural) in a complex sample having effects on nature and humans. Prevention and precaution are very intelligent proactive means, but need powerful tools to discover sources of emerging hazards. The separation of complex samples combined with the biological or toxicological effect detection can provide answers to analytically very challenging questions such as:

  • How can healthier foods be designed? Is the food safe to be eaten? Is a nutrition based on bio-dynamically produced regional vegetables, pulses, and herbs better than one based on highly processed food products made from powders, formulations, and chemicals purchased from somewhere on the global market?
  • Is our drinking water safe to be drunk? Which xenogenic compounds are in drinking and surface waters? How contaminated are environmental samples? How can we avoid to contaminate or how can we decontaminate our environment or wastewater?
  • Are the cosmetics safe to be applied on your skin? Are personal care products necessary or is it better to avoid these and let the skin do the job? Do washing, rinse-off, and cleansing products containing many chemicals disturb the microflora of the skin?
  • Are perfume and other lifestyle products hazard-free and safe for use? 
  • Are commodities safe? Are chemicals leaking or migrating from packagings into the products?


Why you need the power

The status quo of safety analysis is a highly targeted analysis of known hazardous compounds. Unfortunately, current safety analysis is always one step behind the next disaster or scandal. It is time for a change. So it was not surprinig that we found many toxic compounds in so-called safe products using this technology. The new technology is helpful for a new perspective on product safety so that safer products can be launched on the market in the future. Be part of the change towards a sustainable one-health planet!

Girl icon was created via Stable Diffusion AI on 30-11-2023

Nature with its forces (earth, wind, fire, water, and love) is infinitely much stronger than us and will always be superior to whatever our achievements are. Intelligence is to treat nature with respect. We are part of nature! We eagerly develop affordable, open-source tools and highly sustainable planar bioassay screenings to explore not only the adverse impact of xenogenic compounds on nature but also the powerful networks of nature and natural systems to better understand their superior intellegence.


Open-source means useable for everybody!

 Open-source system engineering (software, hardware, 3D-print files, and firmware)

  • 2LabsToGo-Eco
    consolidation of the planar chromatography lab and bioassay lab in a sustainable miniaturized system 
    free download (software in Python)
  • autoTLC-LC-MS
    fully automated elution of zones from the TLC/HPTLC plate via an orthogonal column separation (LC) into the mass spectrometer (MS)
    free download (software in R)
    video of on-surface autosampler for liquid chromatography−mass spectrometry:
Open-source R software

Open-source videos


Presentations of doctorial research work

Erfolgreich wurde unsere Forschung auf dem 35. Doktorandenseminar des Arbeitskreises Separation Science vom 12.-14.01.2025 in Hohenroda, Hessen vertreten. Katharina Schmidtmann präsentierte "Schneller Nachweis von mutagenen Substanzen durch den planaren Ames-Bioassay" und Anne Ringelmann "Planare Bioassays zur Bestimmung von migrierten Substanzen aus Lebensmittelkontakt-Materialien".
Sie haben es beide sehr souverän gemeistert - Gratulation!



All the best for New Year!

Wenn's alte Jahr erfolgreich war, dann freue dich aufs neue.
Und war es schlecht, ja dann erst recht.
Albert Einstein

Einstein said once: "If the old year was successful, then look forward to the new one. And if it was bad, then even more so." Typically Einstein, who was also pragmatic.

Can't every day, even every thought, be a new beginning for good?

Among the great personalities who have researched, taught and studied at JLU are not Einstein, but Justus Liebig, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Nobel Prize for Physics 1901), Wangari Maathai (Nobel Peace Prize 2004), Volker Bouffier (former Minister President of Hesse), Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Federal President) and many more.

Glasses full of sparkling wine for a New Year cheers with you!
How to make this planar development? Become an expert!