Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


Titel Bild
26.06.2024 - Seminar Lecture Series: SDGs and Policy Agendas: preliminary results from SDG Barometer survey in Kazakhstan
17.04.2024 - Seminar Lecture Series: Enhancing stormwater management and water quality in a sea discharge on oceanic islands in Colombia
13.03.2024 - Seminar Lecture Series: Water sector developments in Central Asia: exploring research focus and emerging areas
14.02.2024 - Seminar Lecture Series: Affective hydropolitics: moving beyond rationalist explanations of water conflict and cooperation
01.02.2024 - Workshop: Interdisciplinary perspectives on the research of food systems
17.01.2024 - Seminar Lecture Series: From knowledge to governance in addressing water security challenges
21-23.11.2023 - Water Security and Climate Change Conference 2023
06.10.2023 - Expert Workshop: Developing Agricultural Value Chains in Central Asia
12.09.2023 - Online Workshop: Protecting Migratory Birds in Wetlands
15.08.2023 - Application Deadline for the Master's Program in Sustainable Transition at Justus Liebig University Giessen
14.07.2023 - Seminar Lecture Series: How can ecosystem service assessment inform transboundary catchment decision-making?
16.06.2023 - Seminar Lecture Series: Integrating the Land Perspective in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: application of Multi-Scale Network Analysis
30.05.2023 - SDSN Kazakhstan Conference, session "SDG Trade-offs and Synergies: current research from the SDGnexus Network"
16.05.2023 - Seminar Lecture Series: Extreme Rainfall and Streamflow Drought Impacts in Mountainous Regions: Insights from Ecuadorian Andes
16.03.2023 - Seminar Lecture Series: Degrowth and the Sustainable Development Goals
16.02.2023 - Seminar Lecture Series: Institutional collaboration towards addressing water energy food nexus in India
01.12.2022 - Water Security and Climate Change Conference
16.11.2022 – Seminar Lecture Series: Energy Efficiency, Market Competition, and Quality Certification: Lessons from Central Asia
19.10.2022 - Seminar Lecture Series: How can decision analysis help to navigate difficult trade-offs?
12.10.2022 - Seminar Lecture Series: Food Security in High Mountains of Central Asia: A Broader Perspective
15.07.2022 - Seminar Lecture Series: Evaluation of the environmental feasibility of DES-SGE system to solve the water scarcity in coastal areas
28. -30.06.2022 - Öko-Feldtage
22.06.2022 - Seminar Lecture Series: Citizen Science - recent developments in participatory research and links to SDGs
18.05.2022 - Seminar Lecture Series: What if smart cities are not so smart?
13.04.2022 - Seminar Lecture Series: Food systems
16.03.2022 - Seminar Lecture Series: "Difference in SDG Reportings of Research Articles using Zero-shot Text Classification"
16.02.2022 - Seminar Lecture Series on "New trends in the relationship between Food and Innovation"
16.12.2021 - Seminar Lecture Series: Challenges of Buen Vivir: Impacts of extractive sectors in a sustainable development project Ecuador
23.11.2021 - Latin America Seminar Series: Quantifying the advances of SDGs
16.11.2021 - SDGnexus Network Seminar Series on "Video in Online Teaching and Learning Scenarios - How to Use and Produce?"