Coffee, tea & chocolate -- A collection of early texts
Maintained by Janet Clarkson (Brisbane, Australia) |
Early texts on coffee, tea and chocolate
Date/Jahr |
Title/Titel |
File/Datei |
1529/1606 | Relatione d'alcune cose della Nuova Spagna (1529?/ 1606; partial): Food and drink in 16th century Mexico (including a recipe for chocolate) | HTML |
1582 | Leonharti Rauwolfen (...) Aigentliche beschreibung der Raiß/ so er vor diser zeit gegen Auffgang in die Morgenländer/ fürnemlich Syriam, Iudæam, Arabiam, Mesopotamiam, Babyloniam, Assyriam, Armeniam etc. nicht ohne geringe mühe vnnd grosse gefahr selbs volbracht (...). Lauingen: Leonhart Reinmichel 1582. Kap. VIII: Von grossen gewerben vnd handlungen der Statt Halepo, Jtem der Türcken mancherlay Speysen/ Geträncken/ Ceremonien/ vnnd auch jhrer sondern weiß/ zum Essen vnd Trincken zu:ositzen. Kaffee/coffee: Seite 102ff., page 102ss. |
1659 | The Nature of the drink Kauhi, or Coffe, and the Berry of which it is made, Described by an Arabian Phisitian (Oxford 1659) | HTML |
1660 | The Vertues of Chocolate, East-India Drink / The Properties of Cavee, Egipt Drink (Oxford 1660) | HTML |
1661 | A Character of Coffee and Coffee-Houses (London 1661) | HTML |
1671 | Faustus Naironus: De saluberrima potione cahve, seu cafe nuncupata discursus. Rom 1671. | |
1674 | The women's petition against coffee (London 1674) | HTML |
1674 | The Mens Answer to the Womens Petition against Coffee (London 1674) | HTML |
1675 | By the King. A Proclamation for the Suppression of coffee-Houses (1675) | HTML |
1685 | John Chamberlain (tr.), Of the use of coffee, in: The Manner of Making of Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate, 1685 | HTML |
1731 | Disputatio circularis medica, De tribus impostoribus, I. Potu theae & coffee. II. Commoda vita. III. Officinis domesticis, Daß viel tausend Menschen durch Trincken des Thee und Coffee, durch Erwehlung guter Tage, durch Anschaffung der Haus-Apothecken, sich betrieglich umb Leib und Leben bringen. Quam, praeside Dn. Georgio Dethardingio (...) Anno MXCCXXXI publico examini sistit Carolus Theodorus Thesendorff (...). Rostochii, Typis Io. Jacob. Adleri, Seren. Princ. & acad. typogr. (1731). | |
1744 | Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim: Kaffee und Thee (1744) | HTML |
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