Registration: Critical Appraisal

Please register here if you want to join our workshop series "Critical appraisal for doctoral students: The importance of a good appraisal in Life Sciences"
Deadline for registration is May 2nd. You will recieve an answer after that date.
Please be fair to your fellow GGL members and only book a place if you really intend to come. If you discover that you have to cancel, please write to no later than three working days before the course takes place. If you book but do not attend, we will reduce your number of credits and put you on our black list. Two entries on our black list will ban you from all events of the GGL for 3 months. These rules apply to all participants!
I hereby recognize and agree that by attending the workshop Critical Appraisal, pictures of mine might be taken. I also agree that if I do not want to have my pictures published, I will have to announce this at the venue.
Mit der Angabe Ihrer Daten erklären Sie sich einverstanden, dass die von Ihnen gemachten Angaben auf dem Server der Justus Liebig Universität Giessen gespeichert werden. Die Speicherung der Daten erfolgt ausschließlich für Zwecke der Durchführung der Veranstaltungen und für statistische Auswertungen. Eine Weitergabe der Daten an Dritte erfolgt nicht, es sei denn, Sie haben ausdrücklich in eine Weitergabe eingewilligt. Weitere Informationen zum Datenschutz können Sie über die Datenschutzerklärung der Hochschule abrufen: und A data transfer to other bodies or to third parties does not take place. Your personal data will be deleted two weeks after the event.

As soon as the registration deadline has expired, you will receive an e-mail which informs you if you have been allocated a place for the Workshop.