
Thank you for registering to the 6th Conference on Behavioral Research in Finance, Governance and Accounting.

We are looking forward to seeing you on November 29, 2024 virtually. Once you are registered, the login details will be mailed to you shortly before the conference. More information about the program will be available here soon.

You will receive further information on the conference programme and the link to attend via this email address.
Goodies and awards will be sent to this address if applicable. Provide the full address including country name.
Homepage, previous conferences, recommendation, search engine, ...
If you have any further comments for the organising committee, please note them here.
We will not publish screenshots that include presentations or slides of participants. If you do not wish to have pictures of yourself shown on our homepage, please let us know.

Once you have entered all the relevant information, please click the submit button to register.

If you have any further questions, send us an email via !


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