Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

GloPEG - Global Primary School Education Gießen

The project GloPEG – Global Primary School Education Giessen has the goal to professionalize primary school teaching students at the Justus Liebig University Giessen regarding “global citizenship” by internationalizing course offerings.

In regards of increasing migration and globalization processes, a central challenge of primary school teacher education is dealing with (cultural) heterogeneity and the preparation of future teachers for the beforementioned. We regard intercultural perspectives and international experiences as essential for the professionalization of future primary school teachers. 

The GloPEG project has the goal to internationalize primary school teacher training at Justus Liebig University Giessen in order to qualify primary school teacher trainees regarding "global citizenship". Our international teaching program aims at the sustainable development of intercultural competencies of primary school teacher education students. 

The GloPEG internationalization strategy

The internationalization strategy within the framework of the GloPEG project comprises a total of six levels, which are to be implemented in the short, middle, and long term respectively.



VIP-Seminar: Selected Aspects of Pedagogy and Didactics in Primary Schools

Since summer term 2021, the professorship for pedagogics with the focus on didactics of primary schools and social studies (Prof. Dr. Anja Seifert) offers the VIP-course „Selected Aspects of Pedagogy and Didactics in Primary Schools“. The entire GloPEG team was involved in the seminar planning and implementation.

VIEW-Seminar: Virtual Intercultural Exchange Worldwide

Beginning in summer term 2023 we will further offer the seminar VIEW: "Virtual Intercultural Exchange Worldwide". The seminars are organized and led by Dr. Annika Brück-Hübner and Dr. Ulrike Beate Müller in cooperation with international collegues.

The GloPEG-Team

Prof. Dr. Anja Seifert | Benedikt Basedow | Dr. Annika Brück-Hübner | Dr. Thomas Bürger | Antje Danner

Maximilian Kopp | Dr. Ulrike Müller| Mareike Pfeiffer | Saskia Warburg


Other activities


October 2023

"Virtual international Exchange – Auf dem Weg zu einer Internationalisierung für alle?" - Presentation at the DigDiv-Conference at the University Bamberg (A. Brück-Hübner & U. Müller)


September 2023

"VIEW - Virtual Intercultural Exchange Worldwide" - Presentation at TURN-Conferenz at the TH Köln (A. Brück-Hübner & A. Seifert)

"GLOBEG - GLOBAL Primary School Education Giessen" - Presentation at the 31. Conference of the DGfE-Commission "Grundschulforschung und Pädagogik der Primarstufe" (Primary school research and pedagogy of primary schools) at the University Siegen (U. Müller, A. Seifert, & A. Brück-Hübner)


June 2023

"Playing and Learning in Transition from Pre-School to School" - International Networking Event at JLU Giessen (Organization and moderation: U. Müller & Anja Seifert)

"(International) Teaching and learning in higher education - NIDIT Exchange and Networking Event" - International Networking Event at JLU Giessen (Organization and moderation: U. Müller, A. Seifert, & A. Brück-Hübner)



July 2022

Presentation of the internationalization strategy in the context of the "International Teaching Week" of the Justus Liebig University Giessen (Prof. Dr. Anja Seifert; Dr. Annika Brück-Hübner; Maximilian Kopp)


November/December 2022

"GloPEG - Global Primary School Education Giessen - An Internationalization Strategy for Teacher Education" – presentation at the "DICE-Conference" at the TU Braunschweig (A. Brück-Hübner & U. Müller). 

"Digital internationalization of teacher education in higher education" – organization of a panel at the DICE conference at the TU Braunschweig (Prof. Dr. Anja Seifert; Dr. Annika Brück-Hübner together with Wiebke Nierste (International Office Justus Liebig University Giessen)).


If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our project, please feel free to email us at glopeg.