Submission form

Please note that the funding for lab rotation is limited and that the final decision will be made by the GGL Study Board.

If you have already submitted an application elsewhere and received a rejection, please include the original application and the reason for the rejection.

first name surname (e.g. John Smith)
Please give the full address.
Please tell us the name of the person you have been in contact with in order to arrange your lab exchange.
Please note that the GGL can only provide funding for up to 10 days.
Your work plan should provide details on the methods you are going to use, new skills you are going to obtain, the equipment you intend to use (that may not be available in your lab.)
This document should contain the confirmation of your supervisor as well as the reason for your application from his/her point of view and explain the potential benefits for your institute. Moreover, your supervisor should state if further funds are available. The document should be signed by your supervisor.
This document should contain a short confirmation about the date and duration of your lab rotation, as well as a stamp of the institution. The document needs to be signed by your internship mentor/host supervisor.
ONLY if you are an employee at the JLU. (
If you have already submitted an application elsewhere and received a rejection, please include the original application and the reason for the rejection.