Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Dr. Janne Bredehöft, Dr. Srikanth Karnati - Awards

Academic ceremony (24th November, 2017) of the Justus Liebig University of Gießen with prizes and awards for junior scientists.

In the section Veterinary Medicine, Animal Biology, Medicine, Dentistry and Human Biology, Dr. Janne Elisabeth Bredehöft (Supervisor: PD Dr. Christoph Rummel) was awarded for her dissertation "Studies on the effect of anti-inflammatory strategies on central nervous-induced disease symptoms in the brain in systemic inflammatory reactions".


In the section Medicine Dr. Srikanth Karnati, Ph.D. (supervisor of the GGL) honored with the Dr.-Herbert-Stolzenberg-Preis (3.000 Euro) in recognition of his outstanding and equally innovative research on the “role of peroxisomes in pulmonary physiology and pathogenesis” and his other scientific oeuvre.


second row far left: Dr. Srikanth Karnati, second row far right: Dr. Janne Bredehöft (Photo: Rolf K. Wegst)

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