Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Study "When Corals Eat Plastics" at the JLU Giessen shows negative effects of microplastic particles on corals

GGL Alumni Jessica Reichert and Johannes Schellenberg are part of it!

Coral reefs belong to the most diverse habitats on our planet. Thousands of species of fish use corals as shelter, food source and nursery. However, coral reefs are increasingly suffering from the effects of global change. Alongside rising temperatures, it is the increase in pollution from plastic waste that is having a detrimental impact. Plastic bottles, bags and packaging are present in nearly every reef today. What is not immediately obvious, but is just as prevalent and potentially dangerous, is microplastics – tiny plastic fragments measuring less than five millimetres.

Further information:

Close-up of a coral interacting with microplastics (black particles). Photo: Jessica Reichert