While Studying
The modules of faculty 09 cover all topics related to agriculture, nutrition and environment. For all degree programmes certain core modules are mandatory and listed in the respective recommended study schedule. These have to be completed. The profile modules can be chosen individually from the entire module directory according to your interests.
In order to give you a good start into your Master’s degree courses, we offer several information events for the first-semester students.
Master Orientation Week at the Faculty 09
The welcome meetings of the Faculty 09 are organized by the study deanery and designed for all freshers of the international Master’s programmes Agrobiotechnology (ABT), Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources (IBB), Sustainable Transition (ST) and Transition Management (TM).
Wednesday, 25th September 2024
11.00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction to the international degree programmes of the faculty 09 (ABT, IBB, TM)
The session is held for students who cannot arrive in time for the winter semester 2024/25
Tuesday, 01st October 2024
11.00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction to M.Sc. Sustainable Transistion
The degree programme director Prof. Ramona Teuber will welcome all new students to Sustainable Transition
Wednesday, 02rd October 2024
10.00-11.00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction to the International degree programmes of the faculty 09 (ABT, IBB, TM)
Welcome session of the faculty09 JLU followed by tutor groups for each degree programme
Location: Biologischer Hörsaal - room 232 (2nd floor), Ludwigstraße 23, 35390 Gießen
Tutor groups
There will be a Tutor group for each international degree programme:
Agrobiotechnology (in physical presence)
Date: tba
Time: 11.00 a.m.
Location: Main Building / Hauptgebäude, R 315, Ludwigstraße 23, 35390 Gießen
Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources (in physical presence)
Date: tba
Time: 11.00 a.m.
Location: Main Building / Hauptgebäude, R 105, Gustav-Krüger-Saal, Ludwigstraße 23, 35390 Gießen
Transition Management (in physical presence)
Time: 11.00 a.m.
Location: Margarethe-Bieber-Saal, Ludwigstraße 34, 35390 Gießen
Sustainable Transition (digital)
Date: tba.
Time: 11.00 a.m.
Location: online
Big Blue Button Link: https://webconf.hrz.uni-giessen.de/b/cla-pqs-l8w-qas
Information Session "Examinations and FlexNow"
The content preparation is certainly one important component for successful exams. But there are also some organizational tasks to deal with, for example the registration in FlexNow. To be prepared in these matters the study deanery offers an information session about FlexNow and exams for our first-year students. Here you learn all about the organization of exams at the faculty 09, about the examination regulations and how to register in FlexNow. Fitted with all necessary information you can concentrate on preparing for the exams. So don’t miss this session.
Information Session "Examinations and FlexNow"
- Date: tba (Jan 2025)
- Time: tba
Information Session "Profile Module Plan and Module Registration"
The deanery provides various tools to support you during your studies. One of them is the profile module plan. It is an extremely important tool to tailor your studies to your individual needs and goals as it brings you in a good position to get a place in the modules you want to take. We will explain how it works and what you need to do. So, do not miss this information session and bring yourself in the pool position for the next semester!
Information Session "Profile Module Plan & Module Registration"
- Date: tba (Feb 2025)
- Time: tba
Technical Prerequisites
We recommend a laptop or PC for participation in video conferences during the teaching and the Master Introduction Days. Participation with mobile devices (Smartphone / Tablet) is of course possible but not optimal because not all functions of the web software are available.
Even so, if you want to try using a smartphone or tablet for the webex meeting on Monday, please install the Webex App well ahead.
A camera and a microphone are especially important that you get to know the other students. This will make the start of your studies easier. In order to have a better communication and to avoid acoustic feedback, we also recommend the use of headphones or a headset.
In the following you find the core module overview of our English Master's Degree Prorgammes. For the core module overviews of our German Master's Degree Programmes please change the language on the top of the page.
Core Module Overview international Master Programmes
- Start of studies
in the
Winter Semester 2022/23 or later -
- Agrobiotechnology (.pdf)
- Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources (.pdf)
- Sustainable Transition (.pdf)
- Transition Management (.pdf)
Core Module Overview international Master Programmes
- Start of studies
the Winter Semester 2022/23 -
- Agrobiotechnology (.pdf)
- Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources (.pdf)
- Sustainable Transition (.pdf)
- Transition Management (.pdf)
On this page you find all module directories of our international master degree programs. The module directories of our German degree programs are given on the German webpages of our faculty.
The exact dates of all modules are listed in the study schedule (timetable) and StudIP
Module Directories
- Modules M.Sc. Agrobiotechnology (.pdf)
- Modules M.Sc. Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources (.pdf)
- Modules M.Sc. Sustainable Transition (.pdf)
- Modules M.Sc. Transition Management (.pdf)
Additional Information for M.Sc. Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources:
Laboratory Courses MP 156 and MP 157 (.pdf)
General Information for M.Sc. Sustainable Transition:
For current information please check StudIP.
WS 2022/23 - Syllabi Winter Semester M.Sc. Sustainable Transition (.pdf)
SS 2023 - Syllabi Summer Semester M.Sc. Sustainable Transition (.pdf)
Module Registration
The registration for core and profile modules is carried out via the online system Stud.IP and is centrally organized by the study deanery. The registration period is generally at the end of the lecture period and is announced by the study deanery via e-mail.
>> Detailed Information on the Module Registration Procedure at the faculty 09
English for Specific Purposes
The faculty 09 offers academic English courses which focus on topics regarding agrigulture and nutrition. At max 6 CPs of these courses can be recognized for one module with extracurricular courses.
- Course offer "English for specific purposes" .(pdf) - link auf StudIP
German Language Courses
We very much recommend including an internship into your studies. The benefits of it after graduation are vital. Please check the website of the internship office .
Information for Pregnant and Nursing Women
This module list provides information for pregnant and nursing women about all modules with practical components or excursions restricted for participation or which cannot be attended at all. It also shows the modules which can be attended without restrictions.
Please note:
These module directories are a service of the faculty 09 and only given for information purpose. Legally binding information is published in the central announcements (MUG) of the university.
You find them on:
Here you find the timetables of all courses during the current and the following semester. Further information on the locations (rooms) and on other prerequisites for the module, e.g. if a special registration is necessary, is given in StudIP or in the electronic module directory or on the internet pages of the respective department.
Study Schedule (Timetable) International Master Programmes:
- Study Schedule Winter Semester (.pdf)
- Study Schedule Summer Semester (.pdf)
Study Schedule (Timetable) Digital Master Programmes:
- Study Schedule Winter Semester (.pdf)
- Study Schedule Summer Semester (.pdf)
Related Links
The module registration in the faculty 09 is always carried out at the end of the preceding semester. After the distribution of seats in limited modules by the study deanery, Stud.IP will be open again and students can enroll for their core and profile modules. Comprehensive information and all deadlines regarding the module registration are available on this page.
Video: Module Registration in the Faculty 09
Timeline for module registration
The info sheet deadlines lists the dates for the examination registrations.
>> Deadlines
Module registration at the faculty 09
The document below guides you through the registration process in Stud.IP.
>> Guide "Module Registration" (.pdf)
Module registration THM modules (M.Sc. Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources)
The module registration at the Technical University of Giessen (THM – Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen) has to be done in Moodle.
>> Guide "Module Registration THM for Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources " (.pdf)
Profile Module Plan
Seats in profile modules with limited capacity are distributed on the basis of the profile module plans. Bachelor students create their profile module plan by the end of the second semester, Master students during the course of their first semester. Detailed information on the profile module plan and a step-by-step guide for FlexNow is provided in the category Profile Module Plan.
>> direct link to
Here you find all necessary information on the profile module plan, which serves as a planning tool for your studies..
General Information
In the profile module plan you define which profile modules you want to attend in which semester. On the one hand it is important that you have an overview of the modules you are planning to attend (matching module combinations, setup of your personal schedule – no overlaps) and on the other hand it is the basis for distributing seats in modules with limited capacity.
Video: Profile Module Plan at the Faculty 09
Information Session "Profile Module Plan & Module Registration at the faculty 09" in Feb 2024
The deanery provides various tools to support you during your studies. One of them is the profile module plan. It is an extremely important tool to tailor your studies to your individual needs and goals as it increases your chances to get a place in the modules you would like to attend. We will explain how it works and what you need to do. So, do not miss this information session and bring yourself in the pool position for the next semester!
- Date: tba Feb 2025
- Time: tba.
When do I have to create my profile module plan?
Master students create their profile module plan in FlexNow during their first semester.
How do I create a profile module plan?
Before you create your personal profile module plan you should check the study schedules of your study program and the module directory. On the basis of this information you choose your profile modules. Please make sure that the modules in one semester do not overlap and please also take into consideration the prerequisites of modules as given in the module description.
Where can I get advice before choosing my profile modules?
Each study program of the faculty 09 is assigned to one professor of the faculty who is the academic director and prepared to give advice on questions regarding the choice of profile modules. Furthermore, you can contact the study deanery of the faculty 09 (studies@fb09.uni-giessen.de) for information.
M.Sc. Agrobiotechnology
Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Kämpfer -
M.Sc. Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vilcinskas -
M.Sc. Transition Management
Prof. Dr. Martin Petrick -
M.Sc. Sustainable Transition
Prof. Dr. Ramona Teuber
You find all contact information in the category counselling .
How do I enter my profile module plan into FlexNow?
The profile module plan is created by pre-registrating modules in FlexNow. This is done by allocating the requested modules to a semester. For detailed instructions please use the manual below.
>> FlexNow guide "FlexNow for faculty 09" (.pdf)
>> direct link to FlexNow
Can I change my profile module plan?
Modules which are not completed and not yet registered for examination can be exchanged in the profile module plan. In case you do not get a seat in a limited module, you need to update the semester allocation to a later semester. Completed modules cannot be removed from the profile module plan.
I want to attend more modules than I have to – additional modules (freiwillige Zusatzleistungen)
If you want to attend modules in addition to those given in the study program you have to register for attendance in Stud.IP directly. These modules will not be listed in your profile module plan. For exams in additional modules you register in the examination office of the faculty 09 and not via FlexNow . Additional modules which are completed successfully will be certified in an additional document to the final transcript of records. Should you fail an additional module or not attend the examination after registration, you will not be excluded from the study program. This can only happen in regular modules which are registered for examination in flexNow if failed three times.
Faculty 09 students register for examinations via the electronic system FlexNow.
General information about exams
Video with general information about exams in the Faculty 09
Information Session "Examinations and FlexNow in the faculty 09" in Jan 2024
The content preparation is certainly one important component for successful exams. But there are also some organizational tasks to deal with, for example the registration in FlexNow. To be prepared in these matters the study deanery offers an information session about FlexNow and exams for our first-year students. Here you learn all about the organization of exams at the faculty 09, about the examination regulations and how to register in FlexNow. Fitted with all necessary information you can concentrate on preparing for the exams. So don’t miss this session.
- Date: tba Jan 2025
- Time: tba.
Deadlines for exam registrations
Each semester, the examination committee determines three examination periods and the corresponding deadlines for registration, e.g. registration during the 1st registration period --> examination during the 1st examination period.
Examination periods
In the faculty 09, three examination periods are defined each semester:
- The first period lasts two weeks and extends from the last lecture week to the first week of the non-lecture period.
- The second examination period is the week before the lecture period of the following semester starts.
- The third examination period is the 6th week of the lecture period in the following semester.
Students register either for the first or the second examination period. For the third examination period, students cannot register themselves. As the third examination period is intended for re- and repeat examinations only, students are automatically registered in FlexNow.
Dates of exams
The study deanery organizes and determines the examination dates of the first and second examination period and publishes them on the faculty 09 web site. The dates of the examinations in the third examination period are given in StudIP or can be directly obtained from the professor in charge of the module.
Registration for examinations in FlexNow
Faculty 09 students register for examinations via the electronic system FlexNow. Deregistration from examinations is also possible in FlexNow. The FlexNow brochure explains how the registration for examination works.
Video: Exam registration in FlexNow in the faculty 09
- FlexNow Brochure: "FlexNow for the faculty 09" (.pdf)
- direct link to FlexNow
In case you are not able to attend an examination due to illness, you have to submit a medical certificate to the examination office within three working days. Please remember to hand in the Supplement Sheet to a Medical Certificate also. If these conditions are fulfilled, the examination does not count a fail. You are automatically registered for the repeat examination in FlexNow in the next examination period.
You find more information in the category examination office/topics A-Z
Registration for an examination via the examination office by using forms or e-mails
- is only possible in exceptional cases
- you will not receive a confirmation from the examination office and the FlexNow transaction key will not be sent automatically
- you promptly have to check your examination status yourself
a registration via e-mail has to contain:
a. A sound reason to register via the examination office (e.g. technical problems with FLexNow or other serious problems)
b. Name, Matriculation No.
c. Examination: Module Code and Module Title
d. Indication of modules which be shall be registered as optional additional modules (module code and module title)