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Frequently asked questions

General Information


Where does the border between 'Publications' and other outputs run?

For data storage in the current research information system, Justus Liebig University adheres to the recommendations developed by the Science Council on 'core research data' (see below). Consequently, a publication is defined thus:

A scientific publication is a recorded and published product resulting from the research of one or more persons. A publication must correspond to an independent intellectual achievement; purely formal compilations should not be regarded as scientific publications. Scientific publications are directed mostly to research colleagues, but formats in which scientific results are communicated to a wider public, should also be considered. Publications should be permanently available. Citable and published research data are also considered as publications.

Where can I find information about the Research Core Dataset?

You can find additional information here:


How were the publication types defined?

The publication types were developed by a working group in the project Specification of a Research Core Dataset. At JLU, these have been extended to include the publication types artwork, performance, and composition.


What does "For validation at library" mean?

The accuracy of the entered data is checked, and missing information is added. For this purpose, we search in library catalogs, databases, etc.


Who is responsible for keeping my publication list in CRIS up to date?

You alone are responsible for keeping your publication list up to date. If information is missing, you can inform us via the 'publication import service'. We will then upload the new publication data into CRIS.


I discovered an error in a literature reference in CRIS. What should I do?

Please write us an email; we will correct the entry.


What possibilities for exporting my publications do I have in CRIS?

You can have your publications printed in different lists using the "Report" and the "Export" function. The functions are described in the manuals Exporting publication data.


Questions about adding publications

How do I transfer data from my Google Scholar profile?

To export data from Google Scholar, follow these steps:

1. Load your Google Scholar profile.

2. Follow these steps:

Choose the publication you would like to export.

Click on 'Export'.

Chose the format 'BibTeX'.

3. The result will now load in a new window.

4. Completely copy the entries into a text editor (e.g. Windows Editor).

5. Save this file with the suffix '.bib'.

To import the saved data, now follow the instructions on importing BibTeX files in Converis.


When is a publication considered to have originated at Justus Liebig University of Giessen?

If a publication is released in a year in which the author is a member or affiliate of JLU, the publication is considered to have originated at JLU. Membership and affiliation are defined in the basic regulations of Justus Liebig University of Giessen, which are in turn derived from the criteria of the Research Core Data Set.


I have published a journal/ series. Where do I indicate this?

Serving as editor of a journal or series is not considered publishing according to the Research Core Dataset and is therefore currently not included in CRIS. Serving as editor of special editions of a journal is, however, recorded under the corresponding publication type.


The article I wrote has appeared in a multi-volume work. How do I add this?

The contribution will be recorded as a Contribution in an Anthology. The title of the multi-volume work, the volume information, and the title of the volume will be recorded in the section Anthology-Related Information in the field Book title, e.g.: Handbuch des Antisemitismus, Band 7, Literatur, Film, Theater und Kunst.


A contribution/interview was published on a blog / radio / on television. How do I add this media?

Such contributions/interviews are recorded as the publication type Contributions / Interviews in Non-Scientific Media. All information on the blog/program will be entered in the Title field, e.g. "Radikaler Schrecken" – Warum entgrenzte Gewalt eine Gesellschaft im Mark erschüttert und wie sie damit fertig werden kann : Radiofeuilleton, 22. Juli 2013, 11:07-11:20, Deutschlandradio Kultur: Interview.

A link to a journal or a book is possible, but not mandatory. However, the field Publication year must be filled out.