Document Actions

July 2011

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research invests 5.5 million euro into the project “IN-TEG”. Material scientists at the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen receive about 800.000 euro. The research group of Prof. Janek is a part of the project IN-TEG with seven other partners from science and industry. IN-TEG is a research consortium which investigates new thermoelectric materials for energy transformation. The picture shows some of the project partners during the presentation of the funding decision. The funding documents were handed over by Dr. Helge Braun (secretary of state, first left). Next to Prof. Janek (second left) on the right stands Dr. Kerstin Schierle-Arndt (BASF), Dr. Eckhard Müller (DLR), Prof. Barbara Albert (TU Darmstadt) and Prof. Juri Grin (MPI Dresden). The picture was kindly provided by the press office of the JLU. The whole press release in German can be found here:

July 2011
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