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January 2018

Solidification of batteries from fundamentals to application: In all-solid-state batteries (ASSB) the organic electrolyte is replaced by a lithium ion conducting solid (e.g. Li3PS4), which also act as the separator of cathode and anode. This new cell architecture is presumed to improve the capacity (range of E-cars), power density (charge/discharge time) and safety in the long term. Employees of Prof. Janeks workgroup inquiring fundamental scientific issues, e.g. how lithium ion concentration and changes in the local structure affect lithium ion conductivity in solid electrolytes (doi: 10.1039/c7ta06067j), as well as characterisation and search of novel materials (doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b00751), to the investigation of aging mechanisms in running battery cells (doi: 10.1039/C7TA07641J). (Picture submitted by Christian Dietrich.)

January 2018
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