Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Seminar Theoretical Hadron Physics

Lunch Club Seminar, usually Wednesday at 12 s.t. , Room 437

Summer 2024

Date Speaker Title Slides


Priscilla Raucci Quantum finite state automata pdf


Hosein Gholami Renormalization Group Consistent treatment of NJL Color Superconductivity pdf


Shi Yin Ripples of the QCD Critical Point pdf


Najmul Haque QCD mesonic screening masses: Perturbative and beyond perturbative study pdf


Yunxin Ye Dynamic critical behavior of chiral transition with real-time functional renormalization group  


Joshua Hoffer Properties of Heavy-Flavour Four-Quark states from Functional Methods pdf


Margaret Carrington Properties of early time gluon fields in relativistic heavy ion collisions pdf


Andreas Geissel The Equation of State in color-superconducting quark matter pdf


Leonard Verhoff tba  


Winter 2023-2024

Date Speaker Title Slides


Kirill Boguslavski Studying real-time properties of gauge theories  


Francesco Giacosa A bit of history, status, and future perspectives of glueballs pdf


Reinhard Alkofer Identifying the Time Scales in Electron-Positron Production from Ultra-Strong Electric Fields pdf


Fabian Rennecke Criticality in QCD pdf


Rob Pisarski Why the chiral phase transition for three light flavors is so interesting notes


Robin Kehr The Anderson Transition in Lattice QCD pdf


Summer 2023

Date Speaker Title Slides


Julian Bernhardt Imaginary Chemical Potentials and Mesonic Contributions to the Columbia Plot pdf


Gregory Johnson Universality frontier - critical phenomena in the complex plane pdf


Ralf-Arno Tripolt Data-driven pole determination of (overlapping) resonances  pdf


Jonas Wessely Spectral functions from spectral flows pdf


Andrey Kotov

Thermal QCD phase transition and its scaling window from lattice simulations with Wilson twisted mass fermions



Omar Perez-Figueroa BSM phenomenology from heterotic string orbifolds pdf


Laurin Pannullo Inhomogeneous phases in NJL-type models: An echo from 1+1 dimensions pdf


Patrick Niekamp Critical dynamics of relativistic diffusion with the real-time functional renormalisation group approach  


Winter 2022-2023

Date Speaker Title Slides


Maxwell Hansen Three-pion scattering from lattice QCD  


Najmul Haque Heavy-quark diffusion coefficient in the quark-gluon plasma: Theoretical study pdf


Jan Horak Complex Structure of Yang-Mills Theory  


Kai Gallmeister Hagedorn states in (Ur)HICs: strangeness and nuclei production  


Johannes Roth Real-time functional renormalization group for critical dynamics pdf


Leon Sieke Stochastic Real-Time Methods for Spectral Functions pdf


Chowdhury Aminul Islam Characteristics of QCD medium in presence of a magnetic field  


Summer 2022 (online + in-person)

Due to limited capacity in the seminar room, the available seats will be allocated through a raffle. Participants without a seat will join via Webex. Before each talk, participants with a seat will be informed and a link will be sent to everyone who is registered.

Date Speaker Title Slides


Milad Ghanbarpour Quark Free Energies and Electric Fluxes pdf


Fabian Rennecke Higher topological charge effects in QCD and axion cosmology pdf


Vanamali Shastry The exotic \pi_1(1600), \eta_1(1855) and their siblings


Johannes Roth Real-time functional renormalization group for critical dynamics pdf


Julian Bernhardt Volume and Quark Mass Dependence of QCD pdf


Nora Weickgenannt Dissipative spin hydrodynamics form quantum kinetic theory pdf


Robert Pisarski Three topics in extreme QCD pdf


Christopher Busch Scheme Dependence of the Chiral Phase Transition at High Densities pdf


Winter 2021-2022 (online + in-person)

Due to limited capacity in the seminar room, the available seats will be allocated through a raffle. Participants without a seat will join via Webex. Before each talk, participants with a seat will be informed and a link will be sent to everyone who is registered.

Date Speaker Title Slides


Jan Hendrik Otto Virtual photon measurement with HADES in Ag+Ag collisions at 1.56 AGeV pdf


Victor Ambrus Relaxation time approximation for ultrarelativistic and multiphase flows pdf


Peter Lowdon Generalising local Quantum Field Theory to finite temperatures pdf


Ralf-Arno Tripolt Theory overview on dileptons pdf


Friederike Ihssen Towards resolving the QCD phase structure with Discontinuous Galerkin Methods pdf


Theo Motta Strangeness in Neutron Stars pdf


Fabian Rennecke Moat regimes and their signatures in heavy-ion collisions pdf


Markus Huber Glueballs in the DSE/BSE framework pdf


Ulrich Mosel The GiBUU model for nonequilibrium nuclear reactions pdf


Kai Gallmeister Solving the transport equations with GiBUU pdf


Summer 2021 (online seminar)


Date Speaker Title Talk
28.04. St. Hagel Meson spectrum from functional methods beyond rainbow ladder pdf
09.06 R.-A. Tripolt Vector and Axial-Vector Mesons in Nuclear Matter pdf
16.06 J. Bernhardt The critical endpoint of QCD in a finite volume pdf
23.06 Ch. Busch Chiral Symmetry Breaking with Dynamical Hadronization pdf
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Winter 2020-2021 (online seminar)


Date Speaker Title Talk
09.12. N. Santowsky Four- vs. Two-Quark States from Bethe-Salpeter Equations pdf
16.12. D. Schweitzer Spectral functions and dynamic critical behavior of relativistic Z2 theories pdf
20.01. J. Hoffer

Simulating the leading order strong coupling expansion of SU(2) lattice

gauge theory in a dual representation

03.02. Ph. Isserstedt Thermodynamics from the quark condensate pdf
10.02. Ch. Chen Form factors the nucleon axial and pseudoscalar currents, and the PCAC relation pdf
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Summer 2020

No Lunch Club Seminar due to SARS-CoV 19 Pandemic

Winter 2019-2020


Date Speaker Title Talk
23.10. A. Harutyunyan Bulk viscosity of baryonic matter with trapped neutrinos and its application to neutron star mergers pdf
I. Boettcher Quantum Simulation of Hyperbolic Space with Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics: From Graphs to Geometry pdf
06.11. D. Schweitzer Dynamic Critical Behaviour and Spectral Functions of phi4 Theory pdf
04.12.   no Lunch Club (SFB CRC)  
11.12. R.-A. Tripolt Fermionic spectral functions with the Functional Renormalization Group pdf
18.12. Ph. Steinbrecher *** CANCELLED ***  
15.01. N. Santowsky Heavy-light tetraquarks in a two-body Bethe-Salpeter approach pdf
22.01. R. Alkofer Quark masses and mixings in a minimally parameterised ultraviolet completion of the Standard Model pdf
29.01. P. Isserstedt The QCD phase diagram from Dyson-Schwinger equations pdf
05.02. A. Koenigstein Numerical methods for FRG-flow equations pdf
12.02. Ch. Busch Chiral phase structure and thermodynamics pdf
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Summer 2019


Date Speaker Title Talk
19.06. Ch. Chen Spectrum and structure of positive and negative parity baryons pdf
26.06. M. Scherer

Competing phases of interacting electrons in twisted bilayer graphene and related moire heterostructures

03.07. A. Lindemeier Lefschetz Thimbles in (1+1)d Lattice QED pdf
10.07. M. Ulybyshev

Lefschetz thimbles approach for (2+1)D Hubbard model:

study of saddle points and benchmark calculations

17.07. D. Kraatz Modelling Baryons within the NJL Framework: From Quarks to Baryons pdf
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Winter 2018-2019


Date Speaker Title Talk

G. Nicotera

Measurement of latent heat of deconfinement transition in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory pdf
31.10. U. Mosel Neutrino Interactions with Nuclei pdf
14.11. Bai Long Pion-pole contribution to hadronic light-by-light scattering in a dispersive approach pdf
21.11. R.-A. Tripolt Spectral functions with the FRG pdf
28.11. F. Ziesche Lefschetz Thimbles and Lattice Gauge Theory pdf
05.12. M. Buballa Inhomogeneous chiral condensates pdf
30.01. D. Smith Quantum phase transitions on the hexagonal lattice pdf
06.02. M. Ghanbarpour

Holomorphic Gradient Flow and Lefschetz Thimbles in Strongly Correlated Fermionic Systems

26.03. Y. Hayashi Complex poles and spectral function of Yang-Mills theory pdf
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Summer 2018


Date Speaker Title Talk
18.04. J. Eser Low-energy limit of the O(4) quark-meson model pdf



S. Schlichting Jet energy loss in a QCD plasma: Universal quark/gluon ratio and wave turbulence pdf
16.05. P. Gunkel Quarks and Pions at finite chemical potential pdf
23.05.   no Lunch Club (xQCD)  
06.06. L. Shen Dynamical thermalization in the quark-meson model pdf
20.06. A. Cyrol Towards a first-principles QCD phase diagram pdf
27.06. N. Wink Spectral functions in QCD: calculation and application pdf
04.07. A. Weber Callan-Symanzik-Equations for Infrared QCD pdf
11.07 M. J. Steil Inhomogeneous chiral condensates within the Functional Renormalization Group pdf
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Winter 2017-2018


Date Speaker Title Talk
25.10. D. Schweitzer Dynamic Critical Behaviour of a Classical Statistical Field Theory pdf
08.11. Taesoo Song Dynamics of charm degrees of freedom in heavy-ion collisions pdf



E. Seifert Three body reactions in AA collisions pdf
29.11. Th. Steinert Hadron-parton transition at finite chemical potential pdf
06.12. Naoto Tanji Non-equilibrium quark production in the expanding QCD plasma pdf
20.12. F. Giacosa Influence of the axial anomaly on mesons and baryons pdf
10.01. M. Mitter QCD from gluon, quark, and meson correlators pdf
17.01. K. Otto High Density Fluctuations in Neutron Stars pdf
24.01. M. Körner

Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations at the van Hove singularity in monolayer


31.01. J. Braun Symmetry breaking patterns in QCD at high density pdf
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Summer 2017


Date Speaker Title Talk


S. Jia

Gauge covariance of the Schwinger-Dyson equations for QED propagators in Minkowski space

26.04. F. Ziegler Cooling Stochastic Quantization with Colored Noise pdf



F. Seck Thermal dileptons from coarse-grained transport as probes of hot and dense QCD matter pdf
10.05. N. Defenu Landscape of Φ4 field theories pdf
17.05. M. Scherer Interactions and phase transitions in two-dimensional Dirac materials pdf
24.05. P. Lowdon Local Quantum Field Theory and Confinement in QCD pdf
31.05. R.F. Lautenbacher Generalized Spin Representations in 10-dimensional Quantum Gravity pdf
07.06. P. Gunkel Quarks and Pions at finite chemical potential pdf
14.06. D. Robaina Total decay rates from lattice QCD  
21.06. E. Weil Electromagnetic decays of the neutral pion pdf
05.07. M. Strickland Quasiparticle anisotropic hydrodynamics pdf
12.07. D. Parganlija Glueballs - theoretical status and experimental search pdf
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Winter 2016-2017







N. Haque

QCD Thermodynamics at finite T and mu in HTL perturbation theory


26.10. J. Wilhelm Two-color QCD at finite density pdf
09.11. A. Cyrol Yang-Mills theory at zero and finite temperature pdf

A. Peters,

Tetraquarks on the lattice pdf
  M Pflaumer, M Wagner   pdf
07.12. R.-A. Tripolt The "Resonances Via Padé" (RVP) Method pdf
14.12. G. Almasi

Modeling chiral criticality and its consequences for heavy-ion collisions

21.12. S. Schlichting Chiral magnetic effect and anomalous transport from real-time lattice simulations pdf
11.01.   no lunch club (NuPECC meeting)  
18.01. S. Resch Mass Sensitivity of the QCD Phase Structure pdf
25.01. M. Quandt The variational approach to QCD pdf
01.02. F. Cuteri Extended QCD phase diagram from the lattice pdf
08.02. M. Scherrer *** CANCELLED ***  



in 511

K. Yamawaki Hidden local symmetry and scale symmetry for the bound states in the Standard Model pdf
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Summer 2016






20.04. M. Gerlach Monte Carlo Study of Competing Orders in a Nearly Antiferromagnetic Metal pdf
27.04.   no lunch club  
04.05. Ph. Scior Effective Polyakov Loop Models for QCD-like Theories at Finite Density pdf
11.05.   Meeting of all ITP members  
25.05. E.-M. Ilgenfritz Phase diagram of dense two-color QCD with Nf = 2 flavors of staggered quarks pdf
22.06. A. Sternbeck Recent lattice results on the triple-gluon and the quark-gluon vertex  



R. Venugopalan The role of Kibble-Zurek scaling in the search for the QCD critical point pdf
06.07. M. Hansen Extracting scattering and resonance properties from the lattice pdf
13.07. K. Fukushima Analytical studies of Gaussian approximated complex Langevin equations and the sign problem pdf
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Winter 2015-2016


Date Speaker Title Talk
14.10. R.-A. Tripolt Mesonic Spectral Functions at finite temperature and density pdf
21.10.   No Lunch Club (HIC for FAIR PAC Meeting)  
28.10. S. N. Nedelko

Domain wall network as QCD vacuum: confinement, chiral symmetry, hadronization

04.11. S. Schlichting The early stages of high-energy heavy-ion collisions pdf
11.11. W.-J. Fu

Baryon number fluctuations within the functional renormalisation group approach

25.11. P. Stoffer Dispersion relation for Hadronic Light-by-Light Scattering pdf
02.12. N. Tsoneva

Significance of modern microscopic nuclear structure approaches for astrophysics

16.12. J. Pawlowski Exploring the phase structure and dynamics of QCD pdf
20.01.   No Lunch Club (Hirschegg Meeting)  
27.01. R. Williams Bound States from the 3PI effective action pdf
03.02. J. Segovia Nucleon Resonance Electro-couplings in Dyson-Schwinger Equations pdf
10.02. M. Mitter Chiral symmetry breaking in continuum QCD pdf
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